roguelike game Dicey Dungeons

Review of the game Dicey Dungeons

In the labyrinthine corridors of indie gaming, a gem gleams with the thrill of chance and strategy: “Dicey Dungeons.” Developed by Terry Cavanagh, with catchy tunes by Chipzel and charming artwork by Marlowe Dobbe, this roguelike deck-building game has carved a niche for itself. It’s not just a game; it’s a rollicking adventure where the whims of dice dictate destiny. This review embarks on a quest through the game’s plot, gameplay, characters, and mechanics to uncover why it’s a critical darling and a fan favorite.

Game Plot

The plot of “Dicey Dungeons” is both whimsical and intriguing, set in a world where players, transformed into dice, must navigate through a series of ever-changing dungeons. The game’s narrative is driven by the player’s quest to break the curse and regain their original form, all while battling a variety of foes and overcoming numerous obstacles. The storyline, filled with humorous and sometimes bizarre encounters, adds depth to the gameplay and keeps players engaged.


“Dicey Dungeons” is a game that is easy to learn but challenging to master. Players roll dice to determine their actions, combining elements of chance and strategy. Each level presents new challenges and puzzles, requiring players to adapt their tactics. The game’s difficulty scales as players progress, providing a satisfying balance between being accessible to newcomers and offering depth for more experienced gamers.


The game features a diverse cast of characters, each with unique abilities and playstyles. From the warrior with straightforward but powerful attacks to the inventive inventor, players can choose characters that suit their preferred strategies. These characters are not just functional; they bring personality and charm to the game, making each playthrough feel fresh and exciting.

Gameplay of Dicey Dungeons

Game Mechanics

The core of “Dicey Dungeons” lies in its innovative game mechanics. The use of dice for determining actions introduces an element of randomness, but the game is designed in such a way that skillful decision-making is crucial for success. Players must strategically allocate their dice rolls to activate abilities, manage resources, and navigate through the dungeons. This creates a dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experience that keeps players on their toes.


“Dicey Dungeons” is a compelling fusion of luck and strategy, wrapped in a package of captivating art and music. Its plot is engaging, gameplay addictive, characters endearing, and mechanics deep. It stands as a testament to the creativity and innovation possible in indie games, offering a unique experience that’s both challenging and immensely satisfying. Whether you’re a fan of roguelikes, deck-builders, or just looking for a great game to lose yourself in, “Dicey Dungeons” is a roll worth taking.